AmigaActive (1940/2143)

From:Jonathan Hart
Date:30 May 2000 at 12:23:21
Subject:Re: CacheCDFS device drivers

--- In, "Kevin Fairhurst" <redver5@c...> wrote:

> Erm, why not use a nice little AmigaDOS script on insertion?
> -->8
> FailAt 21
> cd CD0: >NIL:
> If Fail
> ; We cannot change dir to the CD, so it must be audio ...
> Run <>NIL: Work:CDPlayers/MyCDPlayer
> EndIf
> -->8
> Of course, this wont work for mixed CDs, e.g. ones with audio AND
data ...

I suppose with mixed CD`s at least you may want to play the audio

Thanks! I`ll try that script!

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